Bringing ideas to reality can be tough, but we’re here to help.

Manufacturing with quality, integrity, and style.

Dream it.

It all begins with an idea. During the initial development process, Tri d’Art spends time communicating with our customers to determine item goals and target buyers to envision the best product possible. We’ll communicate our trend knowledge and listen to yours.

Design it.

Getting it right takes time. Tri d’Art has over a dozen in-house designers and sculptors to develop custom items aligning with each customer’s vision. Items often require multiple revisions, and our design team is involved in each and every product adjustment.

Understand it.

China has a long history of ceramic production, making the techniques of each region specific and difficult to navigate. With our industry experience and extensive factory partnerships, Tri d’Art can place your organization’s items in the right regions and educate you in the process.

Make it.

Once production is scheduled, our quality assurance team educates themselves and our partner factories on the new items. Members of the team live on location and can inspect products as they’re made to ensure all standards are upheld throughout manufacturing.

Sell it.

We are in constant communication with our customers and keep our fingers on the pulse of global supply chain trends to hit exact shipping times. When everything is on shelves and ready for the public, we’re prepared to track sales numbers and ready for next season’s production.

Want to learn more?